Saturday, October 24, 2015

blog moved to

Hi guys,

I moved game blog to due to flexibility of WordPress platform.
In addition check on new Forest Scene available for 5$ Patrons.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Forest location

This is probably not the update you wanted to see, but this is the location for upcoming future events

I see using it in 2 main aspects - location for big quest / event I'm working for, and for separate location where girl can go 'for work / rest'.
In one of the upcoming updates I want to move events outside of the office and make locations for events selectable

Sunday, August 30, 2015

DeerGirl concept

I have finally finished the initial work of DeerGirl concept (completely reworked Kelly into many variations + few clothes examples). It now includes 7 different skin types, many hair and iris color schemes.
I also changed how clothing is added a bit, so now girls can combine many different options.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

leave2gether v0.06 is out!

This time there is a lot of 'coding' in this update, but I'm glad I have finally introduced a lot of important interfaces into the game
Short Change log:
- Holds 2 new static scenes
- Holds 1 new H-scene & nice green background
- Finalized different characters customizations & wardrobes- Created character randomizer (used in the scene with Officer now)
- Implemented Cheats Interface
- Implemented ThankYou Interface
- Implemented Gallery Interface
- Implemented first version of Shop Interface (yes, now it is possible to spend money! :)

For now the only cheat now is 'Gallery' to ..obviously.. show the H-scenes Gallery. At the moment cheat is 'for all', though in the future this and new cheats will be available only to 10$+ patrons.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

new animation 'FarmStory'

New animation from upcoming release is now ready 

This one has unusual background design and pretty short - this is due to some changes in game concept (however, you will not see how these changes affect game in short future)

As usual for animations, released for Patrons only. Will make it into game next release.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Changing things & randomizing existing characters

I keep working on customization of existing characters while preparing next release. 
This time uniform and some small randomizer for 'Jack' character for the next update.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Small Variety Update

Hi guys,
this is a small, but important update - I have rewritten few my code libraries to introduce variations to what was static before. Moreover it opens new opportunity for small changes, that can make same 'human' girl different from one another.

Next time I'm looking forward to change game concept a bit - to simplify stats & traits part, but allow to have few girls in stock... Still looking for changes to make engine run the game (replaying scenes, etc.)

Thursday, June 11, 2015

New game version 0.04 is out! See the change log

And here we go with new game update!
You can try it here at

It includes many small nice stuff like Casey body & dressing reshaped, character visualization in dialog clips, else... 
But main point is that this is the first release, that provides some game engine, small but full 2 quest chains... and 'no more walking' - even though I'm not sure if this is better

Version 0.04 change log:

<New content>

  • Gameplay implemented
  • 4 new static scenes implemented (of total 6)
  • 2 new h-scenes implemented (of total 4)
  •  New character ‘Boss’ introduced

<Visual changes>
  • Casey face, body, hair redesigned, reshaped
  •  Casey clothing redesigned
  • New visual for dialog scenes implemented (‘static in motion’)
  • New visual for dialog screens implemented (comics-like)
  • Implemented ‘waving hair’ for characters, changed in existing scenes
  • Created ‘static in motion’ clips for Casey, Jack, Boss, Kelly
  • Implemented clothing system for secondary characters
  • Started work over map (not included into this build)

<Code changes>

  • Implemented ‘days passing’ mechanics & salary
  • Implemented quest mechanics (chains of short scenes): day 1 and day 3
  • Implemented random encounters: day 2
  • Walking part is changed to ‘days passing mechanics’

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

New Casey reshape

Some small face changes and body structure (now she's more flexible).
But most is about more dynamic look of dressings and hair

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

new animation 'Missing scene from Sam & Casey toilet scene'

Great news! I've managed to finish that missing scene that I was often asked for. 
Well, starting from next game update you will actually have an opportunity to get sex with Sam in the toilet.

For now this animation is released on Patreon for patrons only

Monday, May 4, 2015

da Boss

Here comes a Boss (office location) prototype. 
Sure the guy will get some clothing and possibly reworked head

Game v0.03 released


This is to let you know that a new game version is released.

What's in it:

1. 2 H-scenes (toilet and archive) and 2 simple dialogs
2. 4 locations are ready
3. 2 male and 2 female characters

About us and the blog


Hi guys! I’m the author and creator of flash adult game of genre “financial survivor” called ‘Panthea – leave2gether’

In this blog I will post my public releases of updates of the game, plans for the game, story of the game, concept art, sketches...

I think the game should be fun to play!

Game concept

 The game is all about adventures of couple of girls living together - how they make and spend money, work in different areas (office, farm, police dep,) and interact with other characters.
Story takes place at Panthea planet - an ex human colony, occupied by multiple species. All the planet is one huge source of rare lust resource, spreading it's pheromones all over the continents.
Due to this, girls will have dozens of opportunities to go into exiting scenes and dialogs while doing small quests or main storyline.